Impact Central Asia | 26 July 2022

Praise God for raising up leaders in Central Asia!


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Believers in Central Asia make serious sacrifices to follow Christ. In these Muslim-majority countries, Christians make up a small minority of the population. They are often unable to meet freely and have to register with their church with a hostile government. Converts from Islam face additional persecution from their families, who often disown them and cast them out with no physical or emotional support.

With so much persecution, it is difficult for the Central Asian church to organize and train its members. There is an acute need for biblical training and learned leaders. Without this training, it is easy for Christians in the region to feel isolated and face the same challenges without any new solutions. 

To address the situation, Open Doors works with local churches to develop training courses that address topics the Central Asian church is wrestling with. Time and resource management, ministry success, career guidance, marital relationships, and successful evangelism are among the eight different courses organized.  

In May and April, the first courses were launched. Four hundred and eighty Christians were trained, including young people, homegroup leaders and people who minister across the region. We are grateful for what the Lord is doing through his Church in Central Asia, and we are excited to keep supporting our brothers and sisters in the region.

Thank you, Jesus, for our brothers and sisters in Central Asia. May this training program spark a new advance for your Church. Be with our family in Central Asia.