Over 360 million Christians suffer high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith.
They follow Jesus, no matter the cost.
With your help, we're bringing them hope and resources.

Our Impact

people received Bibles and Christian literature
people received biblical training
received advocacy support

Last year Open Doors was able to support millions of persecuted Christians around the world.

Your support keeps the church around the world standing strong.

Read more about the difference we're making

Get involved

Your support helps persecuted Christians continue to courageously follow Jesus.
Together, we can reach those where persecution hits hardest.

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Be part of ONE CHURCH

ONE CHURCH is a missions mobilization initiative of Open Doors Philippines to connect the churches here in the Philippines to the global Persecuted Church. Through regular, exclusive, and ready-made (audio-visual) materials, ONE CHURCH will help you and your church to stand in solidarity with Persecuted Christians worldwide.




Open Doors’ annual ranking of the 50 countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution is here! 

Watch out for upcoming events!

World Watch List

The World Watch List is Open Doors’ annual ranking of the 50 countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution.

Levels of persecution:
  •   Extreme
  •   Very High
  •   High
View country profiles
2024 ranking
Explore the list

Prayer and praise

Please pray
Being discovered to be a Christian in North Korea is effectively a death sentence. Either believers will be deported to labour camps as political criminals, where they face a life of hard labor which few survive, or they are killed on the spot. The same fate awaits family members. There are believed to be tens of thousands of Christians held in labor camps across the country.
Give thanks
Through secret networks outside the country, Open Doors secret workers are helping around 100,000 North Korean believers by providing vital food and aid, shelter and discipleship training for North Korean refugees at safe houses in China, and training through radio broadcasting from outside the country.

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